Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm Chevy Chase and you're not

I swear, if one more person calls me fat….you know who I’m going to blame for the bulimic anorexia I develop. I hate you all.

Well, check out the pictures. A thousand words indeed. Oh those who haven’t read Hunter S. Thompson, check that stuff out. Holy cow what a writer. I remember reading a few of his articles a few years back and not really “getting” it, but then I read “Better than Sex” and I can’t tell what’s real, whats true, but I read that thing in like 2 hours or something, and I’m a slow reader. This is how fast I would read on speed, probably what he was on when he wrote it.

The party was a regular party, nothing crazy, other than of course the pig. Now the pig was really just a shell, almost really just the head, feet, rib cage. The rest of the meat wasn’t there, you kow the shoulder, the loin, the good stuff. The skin was baked crisp and cut into squares, so you took it off, slice off a little rib meet, put some scallions on it, dip it in sauce, and BAM, eat your heart of Lagasse, you bald hair dying bastard. (I am officially gay for paying that much attention to Emeril’s hair).

Played some basketball with an international league here. More social than competitive. We lost by 13 or something. I think I had like 4 turnovers, one assist, and 2 points. Hell of a stat line. If it wasn’t that lone assist as time ran out, the assist to turn over ratio would be infinity or is it undefined? Either way it’s horrifying.

Then I went and played some badminton, now this isn’t your grandpa’s hang out in the lawn and see how many times you can rally on a lazy Saturday afternoon waiting for the burgers on the grill badminton. Instead let’s play inside a gym with a temperature and humidity both reach 80 (F) and if you’re not careful you might lose an eye. (I was told of a friend who had to be taken to the hospital and wear an eye patch for a couple weeks). Play there for a good hour and the streets of shanghai is an air conditioned haven. Dehydration = mild migrane that lasts the rest of the day.

Need to work on my pool game. I am getting taken to school out here. I am terrible so these guys aren’t that good, but they’re a lot better than me, and well we just can’t have that. Naaahmean? Yeah 6th grade. Come on loaded baked potato for 50 cents and 3 otis spunkmeyers for a dollar. Heart attack special lunch for a 1.50? yes indeed.

Oh so I’m getting driven to a plant as I write this and my man is definitely going about 75 on the shoulder and there’s a cop right in front of us, way to merge over my man. No we don’t get pulled over. But that was interesting. See if I drove here, there is a 100% chance of vehicular manslaughter. It could be me, or it could be somebody else, either way there’s gonna be a funeral. So there you have your pictures. The “wedding” pictures are not in my possession just yet.

Went to a church on Sunday. No service, just an empty building, but I got there in the afternoon. Beautiful catholic church. Wonder how that works with the whole one baby/ family planning policy. My stomach is officially sick on this ride. Okay maybe I should stop writing. I might or might not throw up. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

I'm probably just being retarded, but how do I see the picture?!

Unknown said...

Yes indeed, where are these pictures that you speak of?

Barewalls said...

scroll down