Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Feliz Navidad

Well I'm not the biggest fan of the Mahatma ( I don't even really know particularly why), but he might have hit the nail on this one....
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” - Mahatma Gandhi.

Now the problem is when those conjunctions make you happy, but bring harm to others. Honestly selfishly chasing happiness, how is that any good. the challenge lies in figuring out what the right thing is and then having the balls to do it every time, even when it is inconvenient. A wise man once told me, " you only lie because you don't have the guts to tell the truth". So true so true.

such a hard way to live though....
you jerk, no one said it was easy....for crying out loud. what do you want the whole world in a silver platter?
Um yes, that would be nice.
there is no point having this conversation with you right now.
Well Mr. Perfect, what have you done lately?
I do...I do...stuff.....
Oh yea like what? work as a corporate slave? then go to your precious home sit down, eat yourself into a food coma in frontof the TV, pretend to read then fall asleep to do it all over again
You know what, that was hitting below the know I have addictions....
dude you're more pathetic than I am, but at least I know it.

This conversation has been brought to you by the soon to be going schizo barewalls. at least you can say you knew both of them, i mean him, in the early stages...when there was only 1 or 2 personalities....insanity baby here I come.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Those of you still reading this, I will be home Dec 20th to January 2nd.

come stop by the domicile, we'll have some laughs some food and hopefully I won't make you cry. I'm going to spend as much time with the family as possible, so please forgive if I do not venture out and visit. I try to do the visits way too much when I've been home in the past and don't spend enough time with the fam. Not cool.

I will be at the football field on Saturday, so people show up. it's been a whilea nd I don't know how much longer I can play tackle football. I give myself 3 more years. which means about 6 more total times. that's scary.

Talk to ME with don cheadle is excellent, Flock with richard gere and claire danes, who is an okay actress but she is good to over act at least 1 scene ina movie and make you stop enjoying her character, is a terrible movie unless you are into that 8MM type scene. Just not my cup o tea, and if it's yours, well let's not discuss that topic.

check out the Yes I meant literally,
This one I have more respect for McCain and Senator Graham..wise men trying not to be reactionary
also Dave Sedaris and Gladwell articles are pretty good and I enjoyed the one about Huckabee, especially his points on Education and the whole bomb bunker back in the 50s vs. shampoo in small bottles now analogy. ah read the articles time well spent. at least you'll be informed on some issues.
The new york magazine article on Giuliani is pretty good and the whole decrease in crime during Rudy's time in NYC and the reasons behind it has been discussed in Freakonomics and this article. interesting stuff. However, you need to read some pro Giuliani articles before you make a decision. Informed decisions, don't just say Giuliani cleaned up Nw York, tell me how his tactics cleaned up New York, what directives did he push through or his advisors, was it him or was it other reasons like the demographic change argued in Freakonmics? anyways i'm out enough of this.

Friday, December 7, 2007

complete me

So I get to my room at about midnight after some serious mahjong session. I havne’t really had dinner so I order some room service. Now it’s one of those rooms where you place your plastic keycard in the slot so that it will activate the power to your room so you can have lights and tv and all that good stuff.

I eat my sandwich, watching some tv, turn off said tv and go to bed. I wake up in the morning and there is no power, no TV, no lights, except for the standalone emergency lights. I turn on every switch, no dice, I go over to the card slot, and the card is missing, my reaction, you guessed it, what the fuck???

Now I woke up a bit late so I gotta hurry up and get ready to meet everybody and I don’t have time to wonder what the fuck really happened, I am not in the habbit of fucking sleep walking. This definitely has me agitated. I check if I am missing anything important, passport, wallet, computer, nope everything is there. What the fuck? I’m normally paranoid anyways and I’m thinking, they could easily take my credit card numbers. Which reminds me I need to check my credit card usage. EGH. I hate cancelling cards, but I have no choice now.

Weird thing, my work ID card I might have left in the hotel room in the hurry and the fact that there were no lights….anyways, so I go down stairs to check out and explain the situation to the receptionist, who pissed me the fuck off because she just blew it off. “thank you sir for your suggestion” is what I got when I asked if they could check with housekeeping if anyone came to my room. I think that irritated me more than anything else, she just couldn’t understand how weird a feeling it is to think that someone came in your room while you were sleeping and you didn’t know. Normally I’m a light sleeper too. WTF? What the fuck, I’m definitely pushing a couch next to the door anytime I’m at a hotel. Sonsabitches.

However, now the question remains. So what are the possible explanations.

1. I’m losing my mind, and I removed the card myself
2. Someone in the hotel staff came into my room and took it to play a joke on me
a) Would make me a little upset but I can get over it
3. Someone in the hotel staff came into my room and rummaged my info, took my ID card and will use it for fraudulent purposes
a) What can I do? Boycott the hotel? Cancel my cards write a complaint?
b) Can I prove any of this? No
4. If something did happen, but tell me no, and say something like “nothing in our records show any foul play”
a) What do I do? Probably convince myself that I am insane.

So in the end, I am out of ideas, it’s Friday 9PM in the office and I have a splitting headache and I have a few more things still left to do at work. Kill me now. But baby the weekend is here league playoffs in basketball.

Lesson Learned. Push couch against door when asleep at hotel. When people complain to you, and you cannot help them, a little empathy goes a long way. Maybe that’s what my pussy ass self was looking for, some empathy. Someone to just say "i'm sorry sir, please accept our sincere apologies" and mean it. Maybe give me some type of hotel compensation. I hate myself and my retarded psychoanalysis.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So I'm really tired of writing about my life in Shanghai. After a while there is only so much new that happens. I'm working a little hard, but I can honestly say that I really haven't ever worked that hard. The last time I worked hard and felt it was probably as a dishwasher when I was like 16 or 17. since then, its been pretty easy. College, there were a few stressful days, but mostly I coasted. I've coasted at work since I finished college. now it's starting to pick up. I'm trying to see what it really means to work all the time. How much work do I do per week that is actual solid work. 20 hours? possibly. how much time do I goof off? perhaps 30-40? why? because i've been able to get away with it that's fucking why? Shit what the hell is with these 20 questions ass hole? you trying to get into my head or something? sorry dude, relax, take it easy.

the good news, the construction next to my apartment is over and i can sleep in if I so desired without having the urge to drop someone off the edge of a building. so I got that going for me.

the problem with pictures are I take pictures of other people and not too much of me and I really don't feel like posting pictures of people without their permission. what is this new fangled facebook and my space I shoudl join?