Tuesday, December 4, 2007


So I'm really tired of writing about my life in Shanghai. After a while there is only so much new that happens. I'm working a little hard, but I can honestly say that I really haven't ever worked that hard. The last time I worked hard and felt it was probably as a dishwasher when I was like 16 or 17. since then, its been pretty easy. College, there were a few stressful days, but mostly I coasted. I've coasted at work since I finished college. now it's starting to pick up. I'm trying to see what it really means to work all the time. How much work do I do per week that is actual solid work. 20 hours? possibly. how much time do I goof off? perhaps 30-40? why? because i've been able to get away with it that's fucking why? Shit what the hell is with these 20 questions ass hole? you trying to get into my head or something?...um sorry dude, relax, take it easy.

the good news, the construction next to my apartment is over and i can sleep in if I so desired without having the urge to drop someone off the edge of a building. so I got that going for me.

the problem with pictures are I take pictures of other people and not too much of me and I really don't feel like posting pictures of people without their permission. what is this new fangled facebook and my space I shoudl join?

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