Friday, December 7, 2007

complete me

So I get to my room at about midnight after some serious mahjong session. I havne’t really had dinner so I order some room service. Now it’s one of those rooms where you place your plastic keycard in the slot so that it will activate the power to your room so you can have lights and tv and all that good stuff.

I eat my sandwich, watching some tv, turn off said tv and go to bed. I wake up in the morning and there is no power, no TV, no lights, except for the standalone emergency lights. I turn on every switch, no dice, I go over to the card slot, and the card is missing, my reaction, you guessed it, what the fuck???

Now I woke up a bit late so I gotta hurry up and get ready to meet everybody and I don’t have time to wonder what the fuck really happened, I am not in the habbit of fucking sleep walking. This definitely has me agitated. I check if I am missing anything important, passport, wallet, computer, nope everything is there. What the fuck? I’m normally paranoid anyways and I’m thinking, they could easily take my credit card numbers. Which reminds me I need to check my credit card usage. EGH. I hate cancelling cards, but I have no choice now.

Weird thing, my work ID card I might have left in the hotel room in the hurry and the fact that there were no lights….anyways, so I go down stairs to check out and explain the situation to the receptionist, who pissed me the fuck off because she just blew it off. “thank you sir for your suggestion” is what I got when I asked if they could check with housekeeping if anyone came to my room. I think that irritated me more than anything else, she just couldn’t understand how weird a feeling it is to think that someone came in your room while you were sleeping and you didn’t know. Normally I’m a light sleeper too. WTF? What the fuck, I’m definitely pushing a couch next to the door anytime I’m at a hotel. Sonsabitches.

However, now the question remains. So what are the possible explanations.

1. I’m losing my mind, and I removed the card myself
2. Someone in the hotel staff came into my room and took it to play a joke on me
a) Would make me a little upset but I can get over it
3. Someone in the hotel staff came into my room and rummaged my info, took my ID card and will use it for fraudulent purposes
a) What can I do? Boycott the hotel? Cancel my cards write a complaint?
b) Can I prove any of this? No
4. If something did happen, but tell me no, and say something like “nothing in our records show any foul play”
a) What do I do? Probably convince myself that I am insane.

So in the end, I am out of ideas, it’s Friday 9PM in the office and I have a splitting headache and I have a few more things still left to do at work. Kill me now. But baby the weekend is here league playoffs in basketball.

Lesson Learned. Push couch against door when asleep at hotel. When people complain to you, and you cannot help them, a little empathy goes a long way. Maybe that’s what my pussy ass self was looking for, some empathy. Someone to just say "i'm sorry sir, please accept our sincere apologies" and mean it. Maybe give me some type of hotel compensation. I hate myself and my retarded psychoanalysis.

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