Sunday, November 4, 2007

Victorious Nov 1, 2007

November 1, 2007

And we won. The whole Hong Kong Ultimate Tournament. That was a lot of fun, just incredible. I’m not a very good player by any means. I usually play defense and then if the other team turns the disc, I’m on offense, but that’s about it. We went undefeated the entire weekend. The final was absolutely intense. We played against a Pan-Asian ringer team which had some really good girls and guys. (coed tourney), and they were killing teams the entire weekend. Same thing was supposed to happen to us after we won the semis (we were down 7-4 at half, decided to go zone against their long game, and won 12-11). We had a guy 2 or 3 guys on our team that played incredibly well and everyone else played pretty much mistake free ultimate in he finals. We were trading points back and forth and half time was 7-6. Then we ended up winning 14-12.

To add, we won the Halloween party as well, the theme Rocky horror picture show. We had two teams going to the tourney and we all dressed up like characters from RHPS. Google that thing, and you will understand. There are now pictures proliferating on facebook that will ultimately ruin my future political career. And of course since I didn’t have my own camera with me, I cannot post any right now.

Random sadness: So I’m walking outside a sports bar after the rugby world cup finals and this kid runs upto me and asks for money, and my friend asks him where his mom is, and he says he doesn’t know. So these kids are pretty much sold to these guys who use them as beggars. So do I give money to the kid and encourage this horrible practice? I say no.

Tianjin is cold as heck now. It is biting. I hate the cold, hate it, and I’m getting sick. Time to visit the local pharmacy and get a zithromycin pak. I’m definitely creating some type of superbug with all these random and probably over dose of antibiotics. Move to china create antibiotic resistant superbug and complete phase I of world take over plans. Check. Commencing step 2, which will of course remain a secret until it is completed.
Oh and last night a bunch of us from work went out to dinner in Tianjin and my colleagues decided to be more adventurous than usual. I don’t know if they really like this stuff or if they are just testing me to see what I would eat. They ordered this pig’s blood and internal organ soup which had all these chopped chili peppers in it. I’m gonna pass gang. Beef tendon sauté, deep fried pig intestines, potatoes, and chili peppers again. I ate the potatoes and took a bite of the intestines, not too bad, but I’m gonna stick to the fish and noodles. The rest of the stuff was okay, but good gravy. These chili peppers will rock your world.

Next tourney manila.

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