Tuesday, June 26, 2007

BBQ-Shanghai style

So before i get to the dinner, I had to go to the Shanghai International health hospital to get a physical. They test your blood for AIDS and drugs and whatever else they feel like, get some X-rays, blood pressure, an EKG (more on that later), an ultrasound of your stomach area, check your vision. This is necessary for the permanent residency permit to stay in China. The EKG was pretty old school. they clip electrodes around your ankle, your two wrists and four little metal suction cups across your chest. (You like how I'm using second person in the narrative, yeah that's right, 11th grade english class coming to fruition, and yes that's an SAT word for all you rednecks out there). Anyways, I was expecting some type of horrifying shock across my body, but thankfully there was none. the results havent' come in yet, but hopefully everythign will be okay. Although I can't remember if they used a new needle on me or not. Seriously, I'm not kidding, I can't remember. Half jokingly I am worried a little, but not really. right? Right?

So since I had to fast for 12 hours and the test wasn't until 1:30PM, let's say daddy was starving and my friend Jon, who also had to get the physical, took me to Burger King. they use thigh meet for the sandwiches here, cheap. I had the spicy chicken sandwich meal with fries and a coke and a spicy junior whopper. What is spicy junior whopper you ask? well, a regular junior whopper with a spicy sauce on top. it's okay, I wouldn't have it again. the spicy chicken was pretty good, but kinda greasy. well greasier than normal fastfood. Oh yeah the whole thing cost 28RMB which divided by 7.6, you get $3.68. I'd say it's cheaper than the U.S.

Now let's get to DInner. Two american interns in teh office took me to a barbeque place near their hotel. Now when I say barbeqe, I will let the pictures speak for itself. you get shishkebabs of meat, potatoes, fish, mushrooms, shrimp, fishballs, meatballs, and whatever else you can freaking thinking of including duck tongue, chicken beaks (I didnt see anybody order any of the last two items). We got beef kebabs, potatoes, corn on the cob, check out the pics. the whole meal including drinks (which was close to 20% of the total bill ) came to 77RMB, a whole meal for 3 people for a grand total of 7 dollars. BOOYAH. now I think you have to take into account, that the beef could have been anything. We decided that it wasn't dogs because well dogs are a delicacy adn we couldn't have possibly gotten it for that cheap. at least that's our story and we're sticking to it. however, could it be rats? well sure it could be, but it was beef, BEEF, you hear me, BEEF. Seriosuly though, I'm pretty sure it was beef.

I'll upload more pictures later.

And then I took a cab back to my place and then realized that I didn't even know how to say yes in Chinese. Like "yes" this is the right place when the cabbie asked me. How did I tell the cabbie how to get to my place you ask? I have the address written in Chinese and just show that to the cab driver. good times. Next task, fidn out how to say yes.

by the way, leave some comments if you have the time. it'd be cool to read.

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