Monday, February 4, 2008

SUPERBOWL china style

so watched the superbowl, hats off to the giants, rooted for them for the second time in my life and both times they played the patriots. what an incredible game. If Brady hit moss on that 3rd hail mary a little farther out, he might have gone to the house on that. anyways, that was a great game. So we watched this at a local sports bar via a phillipino satellite channel. We had to endure pretty much 2 commericals being run during every commerical break. they had this commercial for "Alaska" brand powdered milk that ran a whopping 21 times followed by a commerical for JVC 7 times and the rest were random promos for the network featuring different sports. The "Alaska" milk powder spot featured a soccer game with little kids and how "alaska" was of course needed for proper development and helps bridge the Growth gap, whatever the hell that is. All I know is I want Alaska powdered milk, and I want it now. and yes I skipped work to watch the superbowl, and it was worth it (yes I also precleared it with my boss)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I guess you didn't see the comment I left on one of your earlier posts, the one about the Ice storm in Wuhan.
This is essentially it again.

I thought wuhan.pps was great regardless of where the pictures came from!

I would really like to know who the group is that performed the music accompaniment. Do you know who it is?

